Sunday, September 13, 2015

What are we learning the week of September 14th-18th?

What are we learning this week?
  v   Strategies to develop ideas for personal narratives such as: first, last, times you realized something was important, and/or places that matter to me and the episodes that occurred 
  v  Learn and practice applying root words SPEC-to see or look and DICT- to speak or say
  v  Friday quiz on SPEC and DICT
Book Clubs
  v  How to write a journal response correctly
  v  How to conduct an effective Book Club session
Shared Reading
  v  Continue reading our novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio
  v  How to use CLOSE Reading strategies using song lyrics:
o   What does the text say?
o   How does the text work?
o   What does the text mean?
  v  How to use transition words and phrases to cite evidence from text and support inferences and predictions effectively
  v  Identify and use complete sentences
  v  Understand our Lexile Level
  v  How to use our KidBiz accounts and understand the expectations
  v  Identify the main idea in a nonfiction text

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